Our Services
WE have been serving our clients for more than 5 years in the best service dedicated to all clients personally. We will try to hear and understand the needs of our clients to find suitable practical solutions, innovative and strategic ideas in local wisdom. WE also synergize and collaborate with IT consultants, tax consultant, assessment centers and other private consultants for the best service to clients.
WE provide services to assist Clients by strategically integrating the Company’s vision and mission into effective Human Resources processes, IT programs and practices into day-to-day operational applications.
WE can provide an accounting service team that can assist Clients with various financial recording systems. From recording transactions into the system, generating financial reports and reviewing specific objectives of financial statements in accordance with applicable accounting standards.
WE assist Clients to review business processes on all or certain processes, develop operational standards and procedures and work closely with IT and finance teams to review data migration from traditional/current systems to new ERP software.
WE also provide industry specific training as well as targeted participants. The Training Program is designed for on-boarding, re-skilling and up-skilling both soft skills and technical skills, to achieve competency standards according to the needs of the Organization.
WE provide services to assist Clients by strategically integrating the Company’s vision and mission into effective Human Resources processes, IT programs and practices into day-to-day operational applications.
WE experienced in:
- HR Diagnostic, personal profiling
- Policies and standard operational and procedure, employee guideline
- Organization development, job analysis, job description
- Personnel hiring, recruitment and selection process
- Performance management, career path
- Competency and career development strategy, training need analysis, learning and development program
- Remuneration and benefit
Business processes are the operational core for doing business. Effective and efficient business processes including internal control will increase company productivity.
WE assist Clients to review business processes on all or certain processes, develop operational standards and procedures and work closely with IT and finance teams to review data migration from traditional/current systems to new ERP software.
WE experienced in:
- Business process
- Standard operation and procedure
- Data migration and implementation new ERP
- Employee Self-Service and HR Information System provider selection

The company in running its business has an obligation to report financial data to investors, shareholders, banks and other parties.
WE can provide an accounting service team that can assist Clients with various financial recording systems. From recording transactions into the system, generating financial reports and reviewing specific objectives of financial statements in accordance with applicable accounting standards.
WE experienced in:
- Financial statements (preparation and review)
- Due diligence
- Project control
WE also provide industry specific training as well as targeted participants. The Training Program is designed for on-boarding, re-skilling and up-skilling both soft skills and technical skills, to achieve competency standards according to the needs of the Organization.
WE experienced in delivering:
- Financial Statements for Non Finance
- Financial Analysis
- Credit Risk Analysis
- Covenant and Credit Requirements
- Credit Policy
- Lending and Trade Finance
- Overview Policy and Medium Business Product
- Train The Trainer for Facilitation Skill
- Presentation Skill
- Assertiveness
- Working As A Team
- Email & Telephone Etiquette
- Basic Communication
- Communication in Organization
- Time Management
- Coaching Skill
- Are You Procrastination
- Project Management
- Delegation Skill
- My Character
- Stress Management
- Behavioral Interview
And much more!